Amanda Foxx - Trapped In The Bedroom

  • 14:03
  • 15.01.20
Amanda Foxx - Trapped In The Bedroom

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Amanda, feeling very tired, decided to lie on the bed for a short nap, then truly fell asleep. When she makes, her bladder feels really full and she needs to get to the bathroom. When she tries the bedroom door, she can't open it. The door is jammed inside its frame! Amanda pee dances as she tries to decide what to do next. She decides to call her neighbour and ask him to come over and help her. The call goes straight to voicemail, so Amanda leaves a message, aware that it may not be heard for some time, and her situation is urgent. She sits on the bed and crosses her legs, waiting and hoping for help to come. Reaching the point of almost wetting herself, Amanda stands again and squirms, pressing a hand between her legs to help cork herself up. Finally, knowing she will pee in her clothes if she delays any longer, she pulls up her skirt, lowers her tights and panties, and starts to pee into a small vase, knowing that it is not big enough to hold all she pee she has in her bladder. How will she manage to finish relieving herself?


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