D0001 - Pretty Chinese Girl in Jeans Bending Over
- 4:04
- 05 Jun, 21
Jumped quickly out of her car and rush towards the bathroom sign just to face another disappointment when she saw the amount of people queuing. It was raining heavily outside, and the traffic was jamming everywhere, the poor girl had nowhere else to escape to. It's either waiting for her turn to use the one and only bathroom here or wetting her jeans in front of everyone else in this little confined space.Being a typical Chinese girl with a strong sense of dignity, she was unable to get herself into asking for a queue cut to relieve herself first. You can clearly see how embarrassed she was just to LOOK desperate in the public. It's also not culturally appropriate here to just take off your pants and let it go!Bending her body and struggling to keep her cool, she was at the verge of tearing up, but that's not the water control emergency she should be worrying about now.