
  • 11:38
  • 30 Jun, 23

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For most parts of the video, we get to see a red-haired woman (probably in her early thirties) in skin-tight jeans strugging at the back of a very long toilet queue. She is fidgety from the beginning and stays that way. From crossing her legs to bending over, lifting up her legs and crossing them, she is forced to perform the whole desperation package in order to keep that massive urine from flooding her jeans. In the next shot, we also see a hot young college girl waiting in line to make it into a concert venue. She probably drank quite a lot with her friends beforehand as it was Friday evening. Now she has to pee bad, but will have to wait until getting inside which means that we can enjoy the view of her while bending over with her tight little butt.


ekz 30 Dec, 24
Nice video overall but nothing crazy. One thing I dont like is that the video cuts while last scene is still running and we dont get to see that happens with that girl. By the looks of it there is still a long queue ahead and she is really desperate. First girl on the other hand put on a great show. Nice ass in those jeans and restless pee dance doing all she can not to wet herself.
Hold.N.Relief 08 Nov, 24
That thirty something girl must have a lot of pressure inside her : she's constantly moving, crossing, trying different pose. Those fireworks could be a great opportunity for her : all that noise + peoples looking on the fireworks can give her a possibility to release everything in the street, probably no ones will notice. But she keeps holding. She must be shy. One moment, a firework explode closer, causing her to frighten and having a spasm : Close call > that stream wanted to get out !
The woman with the white skirt is also beautiful !
Last scene, that young girl must regret all the previous drinks. How difficult it must be to admit there still so much time to wait !
4 out of 5 stars because of image quality, but thats because of night of course !