Average Contest

  • 1:15:41
  • 04.12.21
Average Contest

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You may remember Nora (blond) from the chatty contest on this site, where she won the contest and got to go the bathroom. She is now challenging one of her friends and is clear favorite to win again. She is firmly expecting to make it this time again. However, we decided to make new rules, to guarantee the suspense. There will be an *average* time to hold of 90 minutes. Meaning that if one girl loses before the 90 minutes, the other girl will have to stay extra time to compensate and reach a total of 180 minutes (an average of 90 minutes per girl). Also the winner needs to wait at least 15 minutes longer than the loser. Because they are friends, the loser will still try to hold as long as possible so that she contributes to the average, and her friends doesn't get extra time added on and has a chance to make it dry.


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