Becky LeSabre One - Last Thing
- 19:40
- 19 Sep, 21
Becky is in the process of interviewing for a job, and every indication is that she will be the candidate who gets picked. The H.R. person interviewing her intimates as much. He then tells her about something she was certainly not expecting to hear. It seems the company's CEO is a crusty old sod who likes his personal assistant to be on hand at all times. He's a very busy man and he doesn't like to have her just running off for coffee or a trip to the bathroom. The last P.A. got fired for that very reason. Part of the interview process, therefore, is that Becky needs to drink two bottles of water and stay where she is for the next hour without making a trip to the bathroom. If she can't hold her pee for any length of time, she clearly would not last long in the job. Becky cautioned that she has already consumed a coffee, and points out that she would have come prepared if she had know about this beforehand. The H.R. person explains that this is how the interview has to be conducted, or