
  • 19:15
  • 02 Oct, 23

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There is a huge line in front of one tiny portapotty! A rowdy 20-something girl in skintight jeans and a leather jacket is already holding her crotch way back in the line. She seems to be in disbelief of the expected waiting time. She then starts grabbing her crotch even harder with one hand, all while holding a can of Redbull with the other. She won’t stop drinking more from the can, as if she’s trying to test the limits of her
bladder. The tough girl is unashamed of her crotch-grabbing, despite her boyfriend and other friends being right in front of her. I'm gonna piss on my pants! – She tells her group of friends loudly several times, as if this isn‘t an embarrassing at all for a grown woman.

Another blonde girl in the same gang right next to the first girl seems much more dignified and subtle about her desperation (as least she tries to be). But the more time she spends in line, the more it becomes clear that she can hardly hold on any longer! She has to bend forward several times in response to the agony of her aching bladder. From her facial expression you can tell that the situation is getting very serious. Near the end, she cannot resist grabbing the pee hole hard between her legs while bending more forward. It‘s the only way to not ruin her reputation and her tight jeans! Keep your eyes focused, cause if you pay enough attention, there’s simply too much going on in the scene at the periphery. It’s a video you might need to rewatch several times to appreciate the sheer amount of desperation.


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